
Business group outlines five 'key priorities' for removing barriers to trade
A third of individuals using mobile contactless payments, data shows
New skills co-ordination body must 'keep small firms' needs in mind'
Government urged to remove tax burdens for charities
IHT receipts reached £2.1 billion between April and June, data shows
More than 500,000 individuals caught in 60% tax trap
King's Speech unveils raft of bills designed to 'unlock economic growth'
Inflation holds steady at 2%
Business group calls for King's Speech to drive investment
HMRC launches VAT Registration Estimator
UK's economic recovery putting down roots
British Business Bank launches Growth Guarantee Scheme
Business confidence returning to pre-pandemic levels
Self assessment payment on account due on 31 July
Rachel Reeves named as the UK's first female Chancellor
Business ready to work in partnership with Labour government
Business push payment fraud hits £83 million
Household disposable incomes 'have grown at slow pace since 2010'
Next government warned 'you can't be pro-growth without being pro-green'
50% of savers unaware they are charged fees on their pension pots